Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Escape To Panarea Eau De Toilette & Discover Vulcano Eau De Toilette

Escape to Panarea and Discover Vulcano are the newest additions to the Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue fragrance family. Enticing and penetrating, these romantic scents were inspired by the rugged yet hospitable volcanic landscape stretching from Panarea to Vulcano. ღ Escape to Panarea Name: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Escape to Panarea Eau de Toilette Price: RM 283 for 50 ml Made in: UK Escape to Panarea is a fruity yet heady grown up scent,...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Etude House Princess Happy Ending Review: Fairy Glitter Shadow, Rose Cheek Blusher, Apple Red Lips, Jasmine Nail Kit

The Princess Happy Ending collection literally blew my socks off. How could it not, when it whisks the whimsy of Disney and the creativity of Etude House in one breath? ღ Princess Happy Ending Fairy Glitter Shadow Name: Etude House 에뛰드하우스 Princess Happy Ending Fairy Glitter Shadow 프린세스 해피엔딩 페어리 글리터 섀도우 #1 Pink Glass Heels 핑크유리구두 Price: ₩ 8,000 for 4.5 g Made in: Korea #1 Pink Glass Heels 핑크유리구두 is a vibrant muted fuchsia. The pigmentation...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Philosophy The Microdelivery Peel

Want to have skin smoother than a baby's bottom? Look no further! (Source: philosophy.kr/) Name: Philosophy 필로소피 The Microdelivery Peel 더 마이크로 딜리버리 필 인 Price: RM 260 for Vitamin C/Peptide Crystals 60 g Lactic/Salicylic Acid Activating Gel 60 ml Made in: USA The Microdelivery Peel is a two-step, in-home revolutionary peel that delivers Peptides and Vitamin C to the skin as it is being rapidly exfoliated. It is ideal for all skin types. Step ① Massage...