(Source: jillstuart-beauty.com/)
Another Jill Stuart limited edition blush to add to my ever growing blush collection~ And this time around I have the generous Ms Vicky to thank! I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends ♥

Name: Jill Stuart ジルスチュアート Blush Blossom ブラッシュ ブロッサム 05 Poetic Daisy
Price: ¥ 4,500 for 5 g
@cosme rating: 5.0 ★
Release date: 6.8.2010
The Blush Blossom range has been released for quite a while, so I won't bore you by launching into a long or even short speech about the packaging since others have done a better job.
The blush is divided into two sides, a sheer cool toned baby pink shimmer tint on the left and it is paired with a medium pigmented rosy shade with coral hints blush glow on the right. It is recommended to apply the blush glow first and then the shimmer tint for a glowy finish.

They are finely milled, smooth and have a gorgeous satin sheen. I absolutely adore pink blushes so I was relieved when I saw that they gave me a flattering rosy flush once applied on my cheeks.

I was really pleased at how soft the brush felt compared to the brush from the Mix Blush Compact. It is too dense for my tastes though, so I will be utilizing my own blush brush.

05 Poetic Daisy is no longer sold at the counters but Jill Stuart is always coming out with new and repetitive colours; you might see this combination soon haha.
pretty packaging..but Jill Stuart are way too expensive
wow lovely colour! I just love that packaging! I should try and get my hands on some jill stuart stuff!
This is such a beautiful blush, it looks amazing on you. >w< Rosy cheeks look really lovely!
This is so pretty... I really think worths having a princess cosmetic like this!
Life must be beautiful *.*
so pretty on you!!! love JS blushes but if i wanted to buy all that i fancied, i'd prob need to take out a loan HAHA
the packaging is so gorgeous!!loved the shades...^_^~
hehe I'm glad it went to a great home! It looks great on you!! <3
Jelly max! Since getting my first blush blossom with the Secret Tease coffret, I've been dying to get more of 'em, but they're so exp D:
i still haven't tried JS blushes. :( this post made me jealous and sad LOL! xD
Your review makes me wanna try the blush blossom blushes from JS! I passed on this blush (but love their mixed blush compacts) because I thought it was too shimmery and a hassle to use but it really looks good on you. Maybe it'll be worth getting after all!!!
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