I started consuming Coenzyme Q10 and Zinc supplements from February 1st. They were my happiest purchases of the month! Coenzyme Q10 does wonders in slowing down the ageing process and Zinc curbs acne and blackhead problems. Vain much?

Sadly, this Zinc supplement did not help to stop me from breaking out. Since I have already purchased a ton of bottles, I will still continue to consume it but I was honestly disappointed that it did not work.
To my delight, Works with Water provided me with an alternative when they sent four weeks worth of help: clear skin for me to try out.
help: clear skin contains Praventin™ a clinically proven bioactive protein, rich in lactoferrin, which has been shown to reduce the development of the bacteria responsible for many skin impurities, helping to prevent the formation of blemishes due to its antimicrobial effects. (Source: workswithwater.co.uk/)
I took it religiously on a daily basis. Nothing can stop me in achieving a clear blemish free skin! Moreover it is such an easy upkeep; I stir it into my hot beverage, chug it down and I am done. That is how simple it is!

I experienced very clear skin whilst taking it, and there were no blemishes whatsoever to plague me. A few zits that were brewing in the backburner (they hurt a lot but no head) even vanished two days after I started consuming help: clear skin.

But the real test was during the time of the month where a few pimples usually pop up. To my surprise, only one tiny pimple popped up. Usually I will get a handful so overall it was an amazing month. I am pretty worried now that I have finished my supply, I definitely need to get more!
Works with Water also tucked in a box of help: revitalise my skin into my package. A box has seven sachets, which means a week's dosage.
help: revitalise my skin tasty gel supplements contain Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a proven anti-ageing agent, and Aloe Vera, which aids skin regeneration, to help your skin stay beautifully revitalised… and in tip-top condition. (Source: workswithwater.co.uk/)
As mentioned earlier, I take CoQ10 capsule supplements. help: revitalise my skin was a nice addition to my routine. A serving comes in its own sachet, so you can keep it in your bag when you are on the go, it is convenient and it does not take up much space.

The delicious apple flavoured supplement has a watery jelly texture.

I think a week is too short a time for me to notice a difference in my skin. And I have to admit that I have not observed an improvement after taking CoQ10 for the past two months.
The reason? One help: revitalise my skin sachet contains 600 mg CoQ10 whereas one CoQ10 capsule only has 30 mg CoQ10. It means that I have been taking practically nothing all these times; 20 times more is nothing to scoff at. I have to take a zillion capsules per day for any effect to show (> ω <)
There is no point for me to do a comparison, help: revitalise my skin is another kettle of fish altogether. I think it is very obvious that I much prefer help: revitalise my skin, it has a higher concentration of CoQ10 and also it is reasonably priced.
I read that the products from Works with Water might be sold at SaSa stores nationwide soon and I can't wait for that time to come!
For now, I would purchase them from workswithwater.com (FREE worldwide delivery for orders over £ 45). They are also available in SaSa stores in Hong Kong and from Boots, Superdrug, Waitrose and Holland & Barrett in the UK.
For more information, see their
✤ Facebook: facebook.com/HelpClearSkin
✤ Twitter: twitter.com/HelpClearSkin
Disclosure: Entry contains press sample(s).

Sadly, this Zinc supplement did not help to stop me from breaking out. Since I have already purchased a ton of bottles, I will still continue to consume it but I was honestly disappointed that it did not work.
To my delight, Works with Water provided me with an alternative when they sent four weeks worth of help: clear skin for me to try out.
help: clear skin contains Praventin™ a clinically proven bioactive protein, rich in lactoferrin, which has been shown to reduce the development of the bacteria responsible for many skin impurities, helping to prevent the formation of blemishes due to its antimicrobial effects. (Source: workswithwater.co.uk/)
Name: help: clear skin
Price: £ 32.47 for 28 days pack
Made in: UK
I took it religiously on a daily basis. Nothing can stop me in achieving a clear blemish free skin! Moreover it is such an easy upkeep; I stir it into my hot beverage, chug it down and I am done. That is how simple it is!

I experienced very clear skin whilst taking it, and there were no blemishes whatsoever to plague me. A few zits that were brewing in the backburner (they hurt a lot but no head) even vanished two days after I started consuming help: clear skin.

But the real test was during the time of the month where a few pimples usually pop up. To my surprise, only one tiny pimple popped up. Usually I will get a handful so overall it was an amazing month. I am pretty worried now that I have finished my supply, I definitely need to get more!
Works with Water also tucked in a box of help: revitalise my skin into my package. A box has seven sachets, which means a week's dosage.
help: revitalise my skin tasty gel supplements contain Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a proven anti-ageing agent, and Aloe Vera, which aids skin regeneration, to help your skin stay beautifully revitalised… and in tip-top condition. (Source: workswithwater.co.uk/)
Name: help: revitalise my skin
Price: £ 32.47 for 28 days pack
Made in: UK
As mentioned earlier, I take CoQ10 capsule supplements. help: revitalise my skin was a nice addition to my routine. A serving comes in its own sachet, so you can keep it in your bag when you are on the go, it is convenient and it does not take up much space.

The delicious apple flavoured supplement has a watery jelly texture.

I think a week is too short a time for me to notice a difference in my skin. And I have to admit that I have not observed an improvement after taking CoQ10 for the past two months.
The reason? One help: revitalise my skin sachet contains 600 mg CoQ10 whereas one CoQ10 capsule only has 30 mg CoQ10. It means that I have been taking practically nothing all these times; 20 times more is nothing to scoff at. I have to take a zillion capsules per day for any effect to show (> ω <)
There is no point for me to do a comparison, help: revitalise my skin is another kettle of fish altogether. I think it is very obvious that I much prefer help: revitalise my skin, it has a higher concentration of CoQ10 and also it is reasonably priced.
I read that the products from Works with Water might be sold at SaSa stores nationwide soon and I can't wait for that time to come!
For now, I would purchase them from workswithwater.com (FREE worldwide delivery for orders over £ 45). They are also available in SaSa stores in Hong Kong and from Boots, Superdrug, Waitrose and Holland & Barrett in the UK.
For more information, see their
✤ Facebook: facebook.com/HelpClearSkin
✤ Twitter: twitter.com/HelpClearSkin
Disclosure: Entry contains press sample(s).
The Help products sound pretty amazing. About the zinc...it should be good for you immune system too.
This is so very intriguing! I'm going to have to definitely have a look at this because I am breaking out SO much at the moment, I HATE IT :(
haha I like the name of this line, it's cute! For acne, I think Cod Liver Oil works amazingly well, I've also heard Evening Primrose supplements are good.
And thanks so much for stopping by my blog. There's 7 dogs in my family but not all of them stay still long enough for me to take photos :P
Zinc can make your nails and hair stronger and looks healthier :)
I was approached by one of their reps to review this too but I was a bit hesitant about trying it since I'm normally weary of anything that goes into my body. It sounds like you had great results from it though, especially since you said you only had 1 pimple when you normally get more :)
Hi Rinny,
Just to put your mind at ease - these products are natural and contain only a few ingredients (e.g. Help: clear skin only contains praventin from milk, aloe vera and oligofructose, a natural source of fibre) so nothing artificial has been added that could harm the body.
Praventin may not sound 'natural', but it is! It's a milk protein complex that works in the following ways:
1. limiting the growth of the acne bacteria
2. reducing the blemishes associated with acne blemishes
3. assisting in the repair of damaged skin cells caused by blemishes
Hope this may be of help... :-)
Sarah - the PR representative for help: clear skin and help: revitalise my skin
Ooh, the clear skin one sounds brilliant! I would love to try it *bookmarks website*
is it available in sasa in hong kong?
Yes it is.
hi there! i was quite intrigued by works with water when i first stumbled upon it online. i was just wondering, how does it taste like? is it fruity? sour? sweet? you know, that sort of thing. that was the only thing that stopped me from ordering straightaway!
Hello selena,
It doesn't have a taste. It adds some milkiness to your water if you drink it plain but I usually mix it with hot chocolate, matcha latte etc and it doesn't affect their taste.
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